Carolinas/Virginias Chapter

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  • 1.  Chapter Updates

    Posted 02-22-2024 18:24

    Lots of exciting things to share about recent chapter activities our chapter "activity tracker" is up and running. This is modeled after SCCM. You gain points based on involvement and participation for different activities within the chapter. Awards will be given once a year based on the highest point totals. Point totals do not overflow into the next year. We encourage all members to reach out and become involved. 

    Education Committee: Lesly Jurado;

    The committee has been hard at work planning the Annual Scientific Symposium and Pharmacology Preconference. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Paschal, president-elect for SCCM. There will be a variety of topics covering a wide range of issues pertinent to management of critically ill and injured. We look forward to welcoming you to the symposium at the Hilton Mrytle Beach.

    Our monthly journal club is up and going with some very relevant and interesting topics. Our next Journal Club is scheduled for March 20th. Further information on topics and times along with the link will be arriving via connect and social media soon.

    Communication Committee: Jana Sigmon;

    Our social media is back up and posting. Please follow up on X, FB and Instagram. Make sure to visit the website,, for the latest updates as well.

    Twitter: @CVCSCCM

    Facebook: "SCCM Carolinas/Virginias Chapter" and request to join the closed group

    Instagram: @CVCSCCM

    Outreach Committee: Greg Schaefer; and Paul McCarthy;

    Working on organizing a Stop the Bleed program at Annual Symposium for both symposium participants as well as hotel employees.

    Mentorship Committee: Alyssa Lear;

    Actively recruiting mentors and mentees for research, professional growth and FCCM.

    Research Committee: Casey Cable;

    On going multi institutional research projects. The committee is actively recruiting so if you have an interest in research or a research investigation you would like to pitch, contact Casey.

    Membership Committee: Donnie Goodwin;

    Had a successful "meet and greet" at Congress this year. A small snafu but everyone still had the opportunity to network while enjoying an adult beverage. The committee has been sending surveys to are new chapter members and receiving insightful data on how we can steer the chapter to meet the needs of its members. A new welcome letter has been developed that goes out to all new members discussing forms of communication, chapter activities and highlighting our committees.

    If any questions, please contact us at

    Kristie Hertel DNP, CCRN, ACNP-BC, FCCM

    Chapter President

    Kristie Hertel CCRN, DNP, ACNP-BC
    Advanced Practice Provider
    East Carolina University Health Medical Center
    Greenville NC