Critical Care Organizations KEG

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  • 1.  Virtual KEG Meeting Recording Now Available

    Posted 02-20-2024 16:24

    Hello CCO KEG members!

    Thank you to those who attended this afternoon's virtual KEG meeting. For those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to visit our library to view the meeting recording and learn more about what was discussed in today's call. 

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I'll be happy to assist you! 

    Julia Velasquez BA
    Components Specialist
    Society of Critical Care Medicine
    Mount Prospect IL

  • 2.  RE: Virtual KEG Meeting Recording Now Available

    Posted 02-27-2024 17:31
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    So I listened to the meeting "tape".   One thing I learned when helping to form the CCO at UMMC was that there was no way I was going to be able to have all the icu docs work under the CCO umbrella (even though all the surgical ICUs where under shock trauma surgical critical care admin).  What I needed was a committee that would function like a CCO without threatening the different departments and yet being an organizations that provided consistency of care and more important a ROI for hospital administration.  Thus we formed a Critical Care Operations committee,CCOPs (I think this was somewhat like what was talked about at the meeting that IU had). This committee reported to the hospital Medical Exec committee (MEC), not to the university or any department, and was an official reporting committee to the MEC. I have attached the Charter. As you can see it was pretty much all encompassing for all aspects of critical provision  Many projects were based on cost saving and "lean' approach.  The committee had all the appropriate members including EPIC programers and analyzers, purchasing and the CMO.  There was a nursing committee that was responsible for vetting changes and once approved, did the education and implementation. There was also an ICU DOCs sub-committee that reviewed new therapies and discuss relevant guidelines and made recommendation to the CCOPs committee for further discussion. One technique that was highly successful was benchmarking of the ICUs as to their compliance with new guidelines, products use and drug use.  We literally save the hospital millions of dollars  If you want more information as to some of our projects and how we conducted the meetings, etc. Send me an email

    Daniel Herr MD, MS, FCCM
    Medical University of SC, Associate Professor
    Bluffton SC


    CC oops charter.pdf   58 KB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: Virtual KEG Meeting Recording Now Available

    Posted 02-28-2024 14:05
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    So I listened to the meeting “tape”. One thing I learned when helping to form the CCO at UMMC was that there was no way I was going to be able to have all the icu docs work under the CCO umbrella (even though all the surgical ICUs where under shock trauma surgical critical care admin). What I needed was a committee that would function like a CCO without threatening the different departments and yet being an organizations that provided consistency of care and more important a ROI for hospital administration. Thus we formed a Critical Care Operations committee,CCOPs (I think this was somewhat like what was talked about at the meeting that IU had). This committee reported to the hospital Medical Exec committee (MEC), not to the university or any department, and was an official reporting committee to the MEC. I have attached the charter. As you can see it was pretty much all encompassing for all aspects of critical provision Many projects were based on cost saving and “lean’ approach. The committee had all the appropriate members including EPIC programers and analyzers, purchasing and the CMO. There was a nursing committee that was responsible for vetting changes and once approved, did the education and implementation. There was also an ICU DOCs sub-committee that reviewed new therapies and discuss relevant guidelines and made recommendation to the CCOPs committee for further discussion. One technique that was highly successful was benchmarking of the ICUs as to their compliance with new guidelines, products use and drug use. We literally save the hospital millions of dollars If you want more information as to some of our projects and how we conducted the meetings, etc. Send me an email Daniel.L.


    CC oops charter.pdf   58 KB 1 version

  • 4.  RE: Virtual KEG Meeting Recording Now Available

    Posted 02-29-2024 16:01

    sorrry the email was wron on my last email.

    Daniel Herr MD, MS, FCCM
    Medical University of SC, Associate Professor
    Bluffton SC