Hello CVCSCCM Members!
A reminder that nomination packets are due April 1 for the open positions (see previous post). I hope you wlil consider running for the BOD or an executive position!
Have a great day!
Carrie Griffiths
Associate Professor, Virtual Critical Care
Wingate University School of Pharmacy
Wingate NC
Original Message:
Sent: 02-01-2023 11:40
From: Carrie Griffiths
Subject: Chapter Leadership Nominations - Due April 1
I hope everyone is doing well. Would you like to be part of the leadership for our chapter and help move it forward? The chapter will be accepting nominations for the following positions:
1 President-elect
1 Secretary
4 Board of Director
Please send your CV and statement of interest (with position noted) to me at clgriffiths@wingate.edu. Deadline is April 1.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Carrie Griffiths
Associate Professor, Virtual Critical Care
Wingate University School of Pharmacy
Wingate NC