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Challenges in Critical Care: August 19th, 2022-Hershey, PA

  • 1.  Challenges in Critical Care: August 19th, 2022-Hershey, PA

    Posted 06-29-2022 20:37
    Good afternoon colleagues. Sharing additional details on upcoming Challenges in Critical Care. 

    • 7 a.m.Check-In/Visit Exhibitors and Posters
    • 7:45 a.m.Welcome/Opening Remarks – PASCCM and SVACCN
      Navitha Ramesh, MD, FCCP
      Erika Smeltz, BSN-RN, ONC, CCRN
    • 8 a.m.Keynote: The Future of Critical Care: Crystal Ball or Rose-Colored Glasses
      Vinay Nadkarni, MD, MS, FCCM

      • Identify the past and current strategic initiatives of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM).
      • Predict what the future of critical care medicine will look like (and why!)
    • 9 a.m.Break/Visit Exhibitors and Posters
    • 9:30 a.m.Conflict Management Tools for the Multiprofessional Intensive Care Unit Team
      Lewis J. Kaplan, MD, FACS, FCCP, FCCM

      • Articulate common triggers of conflict in the intensive care unit.
      • Identify common presentations of conflict in the intensive care unit.
      • Compare conflict management with conflict mediation.
      • Describe the key differences between conflict management, palliative care consultation and clinical ethics consultation.
      • Deploy conflict management language and approaches to address established conflict in the intensive care unit.
    • 10 a.m.Submassive Pulmonary Embolism With Clot-in-Transit – How To Approach?
      Nitasa Sahu, MD

      • Identify different treatment modalities for the patient presenting with a submassive pulmonary embolism and clot-in-transit.
      • Review two different scenarios with a clot-in-transit and their individualized approach.
    • 10:30 a.m.Break/Visit Exhibitors and Posters
    • 10:45 a.m.What's New in Pulmonary Embolism in 2022
      Parth M. Rali, MD

      • Apply recent risk stratification of pulmonary embolism.
      • Describe the current treatment paradigm in pulmonary embolism management and upcoming clinical trials.
      • Discuss post-discharge management of patients with acute pulmonary embolism.
    • 11:45 a.m.Lunch/Visit Exhibitors and Posters
    • 1 p.m.Rapid Fire
      Navitha Ramesh, MD, FCCP

      • Recall important points from the morning agenda topics discussed.
      • Demonstrate medical games as a novel method for medical education.
    • 1:30 p.m.Are Young Adults Just Big Kids?
      Vinay Nadkarni, MD, MS, FCCM

      • Review three key ways that critical care management of children, adolescents and young adults is the same.
      • Review three key ways that critical care management of children, adolescents and young adults are different.
    • 2 p.m.Break/Visit Exhibitors and Posters
    • 2:15 p.m.ICU Diaries: A Pilot Program
      Abbygale Hackenberger, DNP, RN, CCRN

      • Discuss the rationale for intensive care unit diary use in the critically ill population.
      • Explain one process for implementation of an intensive care unit diary within a local intensive care unit.
      • Describe potential impacts on patients, families and nurses after the implementation of an intensive care unit diary program.
    • 2:45 p.m.Nursing Driven Rounds: Multidisciplinary Rounding in the ICU
      Michael Baram, MD
      Elissa Harmon, RN, DNP, CCRN, PHNA-BC
      John C. Madara, MD
      Cara McDaniel, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP, FCCM
      Lauren McDonnell, CRNP
      Kevin Trethaway, RRT

      • Identify the roles of various care team members and how they play an important part in the care of critically ill patients.
      • Utilize a team-based approach in the multidisciplinary rounding style of the intensive care unit.
      • Explain how to improve the care of intensive care unit patients.
      • Express how to function as a high-level practitioner.
    • 3:15 p.m.Philip Drinker Society Lecture – Joy in Medicine
      Jenny Melli, MD, FACP
      Antoinette Spevetz, MD, FCCM, FACP, MMEL

      • Identify the role personal values and sense of purpose play in engagement in clinical work.
      • Reflect on ways to connect back to purpose, find fulfillment and influence teams in clinical work.
    • 4:15 p.m.PASCCM Award for Scientific Poster
    • 4:30 p.m.Closing Remarks and Adjournment
    • 4:45 p.m.PASCCM Business Meeting

    Richard Arbour
    Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist
    Temple University Hospital
    Philadelphia PA