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HB73 Information & Guidance for Testimonies

  • 1.  HB73 Information & Guidance for Testimonies

    Posted 06-10-2024 11:33

    Dear Ohio Chapter Members,

    As President of the Ohio Chapter of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, I am reaching out to inform you about the upcoming Senate discussions on House Bill 73 (HB 73), scheduled for June 12, 2024. 

    This legislation, known as the Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act, could significantly influence our medical practices and patient care protocols. 

    Overview: HB 73 aims to modify the current regulations on the prescribing and dispensing of off-label medications. The proposed changes require the dispensation of prescribed drugs under specified conditions, potentially bypassing the standard checks traditionally upheld by pharmacists and healthcare providers.

    Testimony Submission Details: We encourage members who are considering providing testimony, either in support or opposition, to participate in the legislative process. Here's how you can submit your testimony: 

    1. Prepare Your Testimony: Resources on how to provide testimony are available from the Ohio Bar (The Complete Guide to Testifying in House or Senate Committee). Some organizations have provided a toolkit (The Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacy - HB73 Toolkit), which might serve as a starting point. However, we encourage you to consult additional resources relevant to your field and craft a personalized testimony reflecting your professional judgment.
    2. Complete the Witness Form: You must include the Senate Committee's Witness Form for both written and verbal testimonies.
    3. Submit Your Testimony: Email your testimony and the completed witness form to the committee clerk at Brennan.Shanesy@ohiosenate.gov.  Ensure your subject line includes "HB73 Testimony" to ensure proper handling.

    Your expertise is invaluable in shaping healthcare regulations that directly impact our field and patient safety. Please consider sharing your knowledge and experience through this important testimony process. Thank you for your attention to this significant matter.

    Keaton Smetana PharmD, FCCM, PharmD, MBA, FNCS
    President - The Ohio Chapter of the Society of Critical Care Medicine

    Clinical Pharmacy Manager - OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital
    Columbus OH