Welcome to SCCM Connect, our new online platform. We've created this space for members to network and communicate with one another, discuss the latest trends and important and timely issues in our industry and easily access professional resources and information on upcoming events. We've put together the following tips to help everyone get the most out of their experience using the site. We are so glad to have you!
1. Sign in with your SCCM Member Portal credentials. If you haven’t already done so, sign in by using the upper right-hand navigation button. Having trouble signing in? Please contact sccmcommunity@sccm.org.
2. Navigate to your community profile. Navigate to your profile image in the upper right hand corner of SCCM Connect and click the "Profile" button.
3. Tell us about yourself. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to fill out your profile. Be sure to fill out your Self-Identified Expertise, Board Certification, and other areas - the more information you share about yourself, the easier it will be for like-minded peers to connect with you. Uploading a profile picture and a bio is a great way to ensure that you make a good impression in the community.
PRO TIP: You're much more likely to get a reply to your discussion post if you have a profile photo and a complete profile.
4. Customize your Profile & Privacy Settings. Start by finding My Account in your member profile. From here, you can set up how you want to receive emails from the community, edit the signature that appears under your discussion posts, and more. Click on Privacy Settings to customize how much of your profile you want visible to other members. Should you choose to update any of these settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click to Save.

5. Review your Community Notifications. Under the My Account tab on your profile, click on Community Notifications. Here you can indicate how you receive community emails. By default, SCCM Members will receive a Daily Digest email from the Open Forum. You can indicate what day of the week you would like to receive this email and if you'd like to receive it to a different email address (different than the email address you use to log in). Should you wish to receive community emails to a different email address, simply click to add an "Override Email Address" for the desired community.
PRO TIP: We recommend subscribing to receive emails as a Daily Digest—you will receive a single email each day summarizing the hottest topics in your community. You can also get emails in Real Time—perfect for the community's power users or anyone who likes up-to-the-minute alerts on what's going on.
*For additional tips and how-to's, please see our Help/FAQs page.