Southern California Chapter

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Upcoming Educational Committee Meeting

  • 1.  Upcoming Educational Committee Meeting

    Posted 02-25-2024 14:45

    Please join us for our first Education Committee Meeting for the year 2024 on February 26th at 2pm, using the UPDATED Zoom link provided below. Meeting agenda is attached below.  

    Committee members: Jignesh Patel, Katrina Derry, Pooja Nawathe, Cassia Yi, Paul Wong 

    In attendance: 

    Zoom meeting: February  26th 2pm-3 pm (Link to join)

    Time allocation

    Agenda Item


    Action Items

    1.00 PM – 1:10 PM

    Check-in and introduction of new members 


    1:11– 1:24

    Updates in ARDS



    Confirmed for March 12th via Zoom with Dr. Mazen Odish, M.D.

    CE paperwork and approval in progress-working closely with Kerri Maya at Sutter Health

    TARGET AUDIENCE: NP/RN, MD, Pharm, & other licensed healthcare team members

    CPE TYPE: Knowledge-Base

    ?       Flier made, it is in the google drive under marketing material, it is on the website. 

    Emailed flyers to all members via SCCM SoCal website



    1:25 - 1:45

    October Symposium Planning

    ?       Abstract grading and planning

    ?       Updates on confirmed and invited speakers

     Need to increase communication to presenters. 

    ?       Make a "what to expect as a speaker" email. Goal is to have symposium as interactive as possible. 

    ?       Once all speakers are approved, need to add timelines to get CME approved 



    1:46 – 1:55

    Call to service


    Engauge participation with and formalize members of Education Committee 

    Update roster in Google Drive


    Open Forum



    Jignesh Patel PharmD, BSc
    Assistant Professor of Pharmacy
    Western University of Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy
    Pomona CA