Thank you everyone for responding.
i unfortunately won't be able to attend the 2/8 Global Outreach KEG call, since I will be in Nicaragua with a team providing medical care for victims of human trafficking, in partnership with a local organization. I've been serving there and in Honduras with the same ministry for many years, but this year I finally had the time to teach and work overseas in my actual field of critical care (teaching at a university hospital in Mongolia, and working for a month at a mission hospital in rural Kenya). I would love to learn from those of you who have been doing longitudinal work in critical care overseas.
Dr. Siddiqui, if you have any contacts how to get involved with teaching FCCS courses overseas, I would love to get connected. When I was working in Kenya, I thought the FCCS course would be extremely useful for the medical and clinical officers, interns, and nurses there. Having that training would make a real difference in patient care, I believe. Cost will be an issue with FCCS.
Dr. Crawford, I'd love to learn more about what you've been doing in East Africa and the EECC network. I think I attended a talk you gave to this group a while back.
I recently spoke with Dr. Burton Lee at the NIH (he's the Head of Medical Education and Global Critical Care). He's part of the Global Critical Care Collaborative working in Kenya; I believe 7 academic US institutions (or healthcare professionals from these institutions) are part of that.
My personal email address is, if anyone wants to connect individually.
Andrea Braun
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston TX
Original Message:
Sent: 12-06-2023 08:40
From: Shahla Siddiqui
Subject: global critical care education
I have done fCCS in Singapore and Malaysia for five years previously
Sent from my iPhone
Original Message:
Sent: 12/6/2023 9:07:00 AM
From: Ana Crawford
Subject: RE: global critical care education
I have been teaching critical care in Rwanda for over 14 years. I have also taught in Zimbabwe. Our remote programs and webinars have reached over 8000 learners from 145 different countries during the pandemic. However, I have not taught or been involved with FCCS yet. We have a different online course we use in Rwanda developed in conjunction with the Rwandans and other African colleagues. I am also heavily involved with a global coalition of colleagues called the Essential Emergency and Crirical Care (EECC) Network. This group focuses on the foundational care all patients should receive in all hospitals in the world. 90% of critically ill patients are found outside of the ICU and many places lack ICUs or their ICUs lack critical resources to ensure good outcomes. We must bring critical care to the patients. Happy to share more if this is helpful at all.
Original Message:
Sent: 12/5/2023 1:09:00 AM
From: Andrea Braun
Subject: global critical care education
Hello everyone!
I was wondering if any individuals in this group are involved in teaching critical care overseas, eg. by teaching FCCS courses, ultrasound, or in any structured / longitudinal programs. Would love to get in touch and hear about opportunities to get involved.
Andrea Braun MD
Andrea Braun
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston TX