Northeast Chapter

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2022 Northeast Chapter Steering Committee Nominations

  • 1.  2022 Northeast Chapter Steering Committee Nominations

    Posted 12-16-2022 19:30

    Hello Northeast Chapter Members,

    It's that time again for our chapter's steering committee elections. As you know, the Northeast Chapter of SCCM represents Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. It is a not-for-profit scientific and educational organization whose mission is to advance and improve the care of critically ill and injured patients and to promote the development of optimal facilities, funding and social policies to further these goals. The SCCM Northeast Chapter is a multiprofessional organization composed of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nutritionists, veterinarians and numerous other healthcare professionals.


    The Northeast Chapter's mission is to improve care for acute life-threatening illnesses and injuries, to promote the development of optimal facilities for this purpose, to facilitate communication between and evidence-based education of critical care practitioners across the region and to engage in any and all lawful activities incidental to the foregoing purposes.


    Current positions open for election: President-Elect, Treasurer/Secretary, Two positions for Member-At-Large, and each of our 7 State Representatives. The President, President-Elect, Treasurer/Secretary also serve as both the corporate and Chapter officers and form the executive Board of Directors for both the corporation and the Chapter.  Each term will be 2 years except for the President- Elect position. This position will proceed to Chapter President for 2 years followed by Past-President.


    Duties of Office:


    1) Chapter President (Previous President-Elect) shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation and shall have general supervision of the business of the Corporation, subject, however, to the control of the Board of Directors and/or the Chapter Executive Committee. The Chapter President shall preside at all Board of Directors and Chapter Executive meetings, and in general shall perform all duties incident to such office and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors of the Chapter Executive Committee. The Chapter President shall be chairman of the Chapter Executive Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The Chapter President works directly with the SCCM Chapters Alliance Chair to maintain open lines of communication on key local and national issues


    2) Chapter President-Elect (One-Position) shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors and the Chapter Executive Committee in the absence of the Chapter President and shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chapter President, the Board of Directors, or the Chapter Executive Committee, and shall have such other powers and authorities as are elsewhere in these Bylaws conferred upon the Chapter President-elect. The Chapter President-elect shall be the Chair of the Nominating Election Committee.


    3) Secretary/Treasurer (One-Position) shall act as the secretary of all meetings of the Board of Directors; shall have custody of and maintain the records of the Corporation; certify action of the Board of Directors when necessary; have charge of the seal; give notice of meetings to the Board of Directors and chapter members, as directed by these Bylaws or the Chapter President; shall preside over the Chapter Membership Committee; and shall, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Chapter Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chapter President, the Board of Directors, or the Chapter Executive Committee; and shall have such other powers and authorities as are elsewhere in these Bylaws conferred upon the Chapter Secretary. The Chapter Secretary will work with SCCM on maintaining an up-to-date membership list and on providing mailings to chapter members.

    Treasurer responsibilities will include possession of the chapter's valuable papers and documents. They shall have and exercise under the supervision of the Board of Directors all the powers and duties commonly incident to the office of treasurer. They shall keep accurate books of account of the Corporation's transactions which shall be the property of the Corporation, and together with all of its property in their possession, shall be subject at all times to the inspections and control of the Board of Directors. They shall provide an annual report which shall be presented at the annual chapter business meeting of chapter members. The Chapter Treasurer shall perform such other duties as from time to time that may be assigned to him by the Chapter President, the Board of Directors, or the Chapter Executive Committee, and have such other powers and authorities as are elsewhere in these Bylaws conferred upon the Chapter Treasurer.


    4) The State Representatives (7-State Positions) assists its members in local state issues/updates, that may not necessarily be addressed by SCCM. These Representatives then provide feedback/updates to the Steering Committee and improve our chapters support and communication for our regional states.


    5) Members-At-Large (2-Positions) are voting members of the Northeast Chapter Steering Committee, which guides the business of the chapter. They will serve as liaisons to the subcommittee. Their responsibilities include but not limited to attending steering committee meetings, provide chapter support, and assist with important projects like membership renewals, writing up the articles for SCCM Connect, and providing support for chapter activities.

    If Interested in serving in any of the above roles please email brief letter of interest and the position would like to be considered for to by December 26th, at 8 pm EST. Please also feel free to email with questions as well.



    Scott Thomas May, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP

    NESCCM President

    Scott May
    Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
    Baystate Medical Center
    Springfield MA