Dear Michigan Chapter Members,
You are invited to attend the SCCM Michigan Chapter Annual Business meeting which is being held pre-SCCM Congress virtually via Teams.
Meeting Agenda:
Committee Reports: Education, Membership, Communication
Treasurer's Report
DATE: January 10, 2023
TIME: 7-8pm EST
Meeting ID: 219 290 245 99
Passcode: 4LAQzj
or call via audio only: 1-248-392-2424, conference ID 378880888#
Please join us for the review of the 2022 Chapter accomplishments and the 2023 Chapter upcoming events. Opportunities exist to get involved in the chapter and committees.
Looking forward to seeing you.
SCCM Michigan Chapter Officers, Board of Directors, and Committee Chairs and Chair-elects
Lisa Hall Zimmerman
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Beaumont Hospital - Royal Oak
Royal Oak MI