Osteopathic medicine is a system of medicine based on the theory that disturbances in the musculoskeletal system affect other bodily parts and cause disorders that can be corrected by techniques used in conjunction with therapeutic procedures. The goal of the Osteopathic Section of the Society of Critical Care Medicine is to support research and educate the Society on matters pertaining to osteopathic medicine and the practice of multiprofessional critical care medicine.
Chair - Jennifer Axelband, DO, FCCM, St. Luke's Hospital, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
Chair-Elect - Carole Freiberger-O'Keefe, DO, Saint Luke's Hospital, Mission Hills, Kansas, USA
Past-Chair - Sean A. Nix, DO, FACOS, Saint Luke's Hospital Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Secretary/Treasurer - Michael T. Vest, DO, FCCM, Christiana Care Health System, Hockessin, Delaware, USA
Members At-Large
Gerard Baltazar, DO, FACOS, NYU Winthrop Hospital, Mineola, New York, USA
Council Liaison
Gloria M. Rodriguez-Vega, MD, MCCM, HIMA San Pablo Caguas, Caguas, Puerto Rico, USA
Board Liaison
Beth Taylor, DCN, FCCM, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Martin J. Ohlinger, RPh, PharmD, FCCM, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, USA