Surgery Section

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The Surgery Section is the second largest section in the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM). The section is composed of surgeons who focus on the comprehensive evaluation and management of patients with critical surgical illnesses. Involvement is welcome and encouraged. Young surgeons can become actively involved in a vibrant society, with opportunities in a variety of areas. No other medical society can offer the diverse multiprofessional environment and opportunities that are available here.


Section Activities

The Surgery Section is represented on Council as well as on the Executive Committee. This representation is vital as decisions and strategic planning for the Society are made through the Council, and the President is elected from the Executive Committee. Section members are active in the Society as a whole, belonging to various other working committees including the Program Committee for the annual Critical Care Congress and the Ethics Committee of the American College of Critical Care Medicine.


Surgery Section activities have focused on surgical critical care physicians and physicians in training. The Education Committee, whose primary goal is to improve the education of surgery residents, developed a series of recommendations regarding surgical critical care education. These recommendations have been published in Critical Care Medicine. The Membership Committee works within the structure of SCCM to improve membership in the Surgery Section and to encourage renewal of current members within the Society.


Through leadership and involvement in the Society, the Surgery Section makes significant impact. Recommendations have been forwarded from the Society's president to the administrator of the Department of Health and Human Services regarding the unbundling of surgical and critical care charges, making it possible for surgeons to bill for their surgical procedures and for critical care services. Important issues such as these, which impact on both the training and practice of surgical critical care, are what drive the section leadership.



Chair – Niels D. Martin, MD, FCCM, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Chair-Elect – Ariel P. Santos, MD, MPH, FACS, FRCSC, FCCM, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, Texas, USA

Secretary/Treasurer – Nicole Siparsky, MD, FACS, FCCM, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Past-Chair – Kathleen B. To, MD, FACS, FCCM, University of Maryland Medical Center, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 


Members at-Large

Mark Edward Hamill, MD, FCCM, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Natasha Keric, MD, Vice Chair, Banner Health, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Tyler John Loftus, MD, UF Health Shands Childrens Hospital, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Allison Johanna Tompeck, MD, FACS, Banner University Medical Center Phoenix, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA


Council Liaison

Susan L. Evans, MBA, MD, FCCM, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA


Board Liaison

Douglas Falconer Naylor, Jr., MD, FACS, MCCM, University Hospitals of Cleveland Medical   Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Mary J. Reed, MD, FCCM, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, Pennsylvania, USA

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