Geriatric KEG

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The Geriatric Critical Care Knowledge Education Group (KEG) aims to connect those interested in the emerging field of geriatric critical care medicine to discuss topics such as best practices for clinical management of critically ill older adults, inclusion of older adults in critical care research, consideration of the older ICU population in critical care Clinical Practice Guidelines, and identification and development of opportunities to integrate geriatrics into critical care fellowship education.

The goal is to address the complexities and vulnerabilities of older adults with critical illness by incorporating the principles of geriatric medicine into critical care. Vulnerability factors, such as frailty, disability, and multimorbidity, are more prevalent with age, and increase the risk of adverse outcomes. Although some intensivists may intuitively adapt their clinical practices to address this complexity, formal training and evidence to guide the management of critical illness in older adults is essential.

Join the Geriatric Critical Care KEG to join the conversation, connect with other participants, and access the library of resources.


Bram Rochwerg, MD, MSc, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, CANADA

Lauren Ferrante, MD, MHS, Yale University School of Medicine, Guilford, CT, USA

Nathan Brummel, MD, MSCI, FCCM, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, USA

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