Southern California Chapter

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Upcoming Education Committee Meeting

  • 1.  Upcoming Education Committee Meeting

    Posted 10-24-2024 12:52

    Committee members: Jignesh Patel, Katrina Derry, Pooja Nawathe, Cassia Yi, Paul Wong, Michelle Parrett

    In attendance:

    Zoom meeting: October 28th 2pm-3 pm (Link to join)

    Time allocation

    Agenda Item


    Action Items

    2:00 – 2:10

    Check-in and introduction of new members 

    2:11 – 2:50

    October Symposium Updates and feedback (Thursday, October 25, 2024, 8:30am - 6:00pm)

           Abstract presentations and JPC award winner

           Updates on obtaining CE credits 

           Feedback on symposium logistics: pick up and drop off president, list of "to do's" and volunteers, BOD & Planning Cmt dinner, other

           Feedback on Zoom/hybrid layout

    Discuss how panel speakers and abstract presentations went

    Discuss plans for next year:

           Determine  with venue how far in advance all presentations need to be submitted. This year, it was 48 hours advance notice. All abstract presenters complied, only 3 panel presentations were received

           Solicit opinions on future symposium theme

     For abstracts and panel speakers:

           Create hard deadline for presentation submission of at least 1 week prior to symposium. This will allow some room for late submissions

           Solicit feedback on panel speakers: was it interactive? Adequate audience participation?

    2:51 – 2:55

     Call to Service

    Encourage participation with Education Committee

           Meeting recurrence: 4th  Monday of every other month (next meeting falls on December 23rd,  from 2pm-3pm). Since this is close to Christmas break, discuss with group to set alternate date. December 9th, 2 weeks earlier or perhaps 4th Monday of January – 27th?

    Update roster in Google Drive with new members, to adjust PRN

    2:55 – 3:00

    Open Forum

    Jignesh Patel PharmD, BSc
    Assistant Professor of Pharmacy
    Western University of Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy
    Pomona CA