Global Outreach

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  • 1.  Agenda for today

    Posted 05-24-2024 12:43

    2024 Global Keg Meeting

    May 24th, 2024 Meeting


    1.    Dr. Jose Diaz-Gomez elected into Executive Council

    2.    Completion of Accept ICU Research

    3.    Meeting dates: August 22nd /November 21st / February 20th

    a.    Invitation on the calendar.

    4.    Global Outreach Spotlight Speaker

    5.    WFICC research mentorship program

    6.    Update on proposal

    3 years Action plan- 2024-2027:

    Strategic focus:

    a.    Revision of proposal

                                          i.     Global Outreach Committee

                                        ii.     Global Outreach Repository

    b.    Increase exposure- Critical Connection

                                          i.     Summer 2024: Hot Topics in Critical Care

                                        ii.     Fall 2024: Critical Care Congress 2025 (February 23-25)

    c.    Impartation of the science

                                          i.     ICU Liberation bundle work (ACCEPT-ICU)- Dr. Naveed

                                        ii.     Guidelines development- Dr. Arun Bansal

    1.    Guidelines for common problems in the ICU in LMIC

    a.    Dengue/Infection disease (Open for lead author)

    b.    Acute liver failure (Open for lead author)

    c.     Non-traumatic coma- acute encephalitis syndrome-(Open for lead author)

    d.    Sepsis management in LMIC-(Open for lead author)

                                       iii.     Research- (open)

    1.    Feeding practice in LMIC

    2.    In-hospital cardiac arrest and outcomes

                                       iv.     Global Outreach Training

    d.    Congress engagement

                                          i.     Congress proposal submission

                                        ii.     Faculty

                                       iii.     Congress program committee

    e.    Leadership engagement

                                          i.     Mentorship

                                        ii.     ICCP

                                       iii.     Committee and collaboration

    Global outreach repository


    1.     Establishing an interactive research repository on publishing, preliminary initiatives in LMICs, and understanding the missing gaps and implementation science to impact the global outreach work

    2.     Network initiative to engage members interested in Global Outreach and exposure for mentorship for junior members

    3.     Identifying key societal stakeholders serving as ambassadors to support the SCCM vision and mission in the key country of interest.

    Jagila Minso (lead)

    Gloria Rodriguez Vega

    Priya Prabhakaran

    Muhammad Ali Javed

    Jose Diaz-Gomez

    Ana Lia Graciano

    Katherine Mcbride

    Ali Javed-


    [CJ] [Zenarosa] [DNP, ACNPC-AG, CCRN]
    [Neurocritical Care NPP]
    [Valhalla] [NY]

  • 2.  RE: Agenda for today

    Posted 05-28-2024 12:31
    Sorry I missed the meeting. I’m on service and it’s been very busy.

    Varun Shetty
    Sent from my iPhone